National HIV Testing Week

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National HIV Testing Week takes place from 5-11 February

HIV Testing Week – 5 to 11 February

National HIV Testing Week takes place from 5-11 February, and this year it marks a decade since it started.  Testing is free and confidential. It is also the only way to know if you have HIV and worth doing because people can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms. It is easier than you think to get and take an HIV test – a finger prick test is all it takes. You can get tested at Leeds Sexual Health Clinic, your GP surgery, Yorkshire MESMAC, or you can be tested in the comfort of your own home by ordering a postal test kit.

During National HIV Testing Week, you can order a free self-test, which you take yourself to get a result in just 15 minutes, or a postal test where you take a sample yourself and send it off to a lab who will then contact you with your result.

To see where you can test near you visit – It Starts With Me.

To order your FREE HIV postal test kit delivered in plain packaging directly to you: Freetesting HIV | Free HIV Kits for Self-testing at Home