Appointments Information

Appointment Information

All consultations are by appointment only. You can make Appointments in person or by telephoning the surgery on 0113 385 4558.

You can book some nursing appointments using the NHS App.

You can see and manage all your appointments using the NHS App.

To help us provide you with the best care possible, can you give as much information as possible. We can ensure you see the correct health care professional at first contact.

Routine Appointments

If you need to see a GP for a routine matter. Please contact the surgery during our opening hours to book an appointment,

Depending on the nature of your problem we will offer you the choice of a face to face or telephone appointment.

If you are seeking advice from a GP that you feel we could deal without seeing you. Can you submit your question by using PATCHs our online system

You can also access PATCHS via your NHS App.

Urgent Appointments

We can offer urgent appointments to patients who need to be seen more urgently before the next available routine appointment.

If you feel you need to be seen urgently, please contact our reception team either in person or by telephone. Our reception team will take details of the problem to establish the best course of action.

This might be to book a same day appointment for you, to seek guidance from a GP or to tell you that you need to attend A&E.

 Do not use our online system for urgent matters.

 If you need an urgent appointment when the surgery is not open please ring NHS 111.

Home Visits

If you are housebound and need an appointment, please telephone the surgery on 0113 385 4558.

Where possible please telephone before 10:00. Provide full details of the reason for your home visit request.

The GP may telephone you before visiting to discuss your request in more detail.

Cancelling or amending appointments

It is important that you let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your appointment.

You can cancel your appointment at any using the NHS App or by telephoning the surgery.

You can use our telephone system to leave details of the appointment you wish to cancel. Even when we are closed.


We take first and second-year medical students at the practice who, subject to your consent, may observe consultations. Choosing not to have a student present will in no way affect the care you receive.

Surgery Timetable

DayMorning SurgeryAfternoon Surgery
MondayDr J.R. Jones
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr J Cain
Dr J.R. Jones
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr J Cain
TuesdayDr J.R. Jones
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr E. Layton
Dr J.R. Jones
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr E. Layton
WednesdayDr J Cain
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr E. Layton
Dr J Cain
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr E. Layton
ThursdayDr J Cain
Dr J.R. Jones
Dr E. Layton
Dr J Cain
Dr J.R. Jones
Dr E. Layton
FridayDr J Cain
Dr J.R. Jones
Dr J. Hawkhead
Dr E. Layton plus
Doctor  on duty on a rota basis