Privacy Notice and Confidentiality

Privacy Notice

To comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we have created a Privacy Notice which explains how we collect, look after and use your data. See link below for the full Notice.

Read our Privacy Notice


ACR project for patients with diabetes (and/or other conditions)

The data is being processed for the purpose of delivery of a programme, sponsored by NHS Digital, to monitor urine for indications of chronic kidney disease (CKD) which is recommended to be undertaken annually for patients at risk of chronic kidney disease e.g., patients living with diabetes. The programme enables patients to test their kidney function from home. We will share your contact details with to enable them to contact you and send you a test kit.  This will help identify patients at risk of kidney disease and help us agree any early interventions that can be put in place for the benefit of your care. will only use your data for the purposes of delivering their service to you. If you do not wish to receive a home test kit from we will continue to manage your care within the Practice. are required to hold data we send them in line with retention periods outlined in the Records Management code of Practice for Health and Social Care. Further information about this is available at:

How we use your data

Your Information and Responding to Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The health and social care system is facing significant pressures due to the coronavirus outbreak. Health and care information is essential to deliver care to individuals, to support health and social care services and to protect public health. Information will also be vital in researching, monitoring, tracking and managing the outbreak. In the current emergency, it has become even more important to share health and care information across relevant organisations.

This notice describes how GPs and other health and social care organisations may use your information within the health and social care system to protect you and others during the Coranavirus (Covid-19) outbreak with regard to your Summary Care Record.

Supplementary privacy notice

Pandemic Planning and Research

“This practice is supporting vital coronavirus (Covid-19) planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital. For more information about this see:


The following video explains how General Practices in Leeds use and share information about you. Please click on the link below.

How General Practices in Leeds use and share information about you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following leaflet provides answers to some frequently asked questions about GDPR and your patient record.

GDPR and my patient record

NHS National Data Opt-Out

Information about your health and care helps the NHS improve your individual care, speed up diagnosis, plan your local services and research new treatments.

In May 2018, strict rules about how this data can and cannot be used were strengthened. The NHS is committed to keeping patient information safe and always being clear about how it is used.
You can choose whether your confidential patient information is used for research and planning.
To find out more visit:

Electronic Repeat Dispensing

Our practice is collaborating with NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) which is providing NHS numbers for those patients that may be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing prescriptions. The information is obtained from NHS prescriptions submitted to the NHSBSA. A member of our clinical team will contact these patients soon to explain the benefits of this service.

GP Data for Planning and Research, legal direction

We are providing data to NHS Digital as part of the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection, so that patient data can be used to help improve everyone’s health and care.

For full details please click on the link below.

General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) – NHS Digital